Daisypath Anniversary tickers

quite simple

to make me look gorgeous, what i need is a little black dress and the man i love beside me..

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Moonchild By Cibo Matto

Anyone know where to download this song? for free? :D
much much thankies!!

Moonchild By Cibo Matto

Moonchild still lives in my heart.
Can I ask you something?
Is your life better now?

Sometimes I feel you're sitting next to me and listening to my stories
Time always shows me it's hard to understand how to be myself

Moonlight dries your tears, moonlight hides your fears

Sometimes I feel you're smiling at me and telling me your memories
Tide always moves fast
Can you tell me how to find words inside a shell?


  1. wah blm tau lagu itu mgkn harus download dulu ^^; mampir2 blog aku jg yaa kl sempet :3



  2. ahaha,,justeru daripada itu judith, aku dah googling tp ga nemu2 linknya hehe


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