Daisypath Anniversary tickers

quite simple

to make me look gorgeous, what i need is a little black dress and the man i love beside me..

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Between OCD and The Determined Realist

 Hahaha,, I know I have symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder..

Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce anxiety, by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing anxiety, or by a combination of such thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions). The symptoms of this anxiety disorder include repetitive hand-washing; extensive hoarding; preoccupation with sexual or aggressive impulses, or with particular religious beliefs; aversion to odd numbers; and nervous habits, such as opening a door and closing it a certain number of times before one enters or leaves a room. - Wikipedia

Yes, yes, i admit it. I have some issues with being clean. Also got anxious easily when something's not in the right track. I'm not a well-organized one who always come up with plan B.. I always thought myself as an easy going type, but i got very upset when someone (in this case mostly FE xp) ruin plans just by arriving late. I just have good punctuality, I do. :)
And I like clean stuff. It gives me shiver when i come across some restrooms with low hygienic..i'll walk by my tiptoes xp And bad odor, oh..i would vomit as i smell it. It's quite troublesome, but it still manageable :)

My Personality Type: The Determined Realist 

Determined Realists like to bear responsibility and welcome challenges. They are stable, reliable persons. External contacts are very important to them; they mix well and are very active. They are excellent organisers and are very happy when things are done correctly and punctually; they can quickly react impatiently if others are not as conscientious, orderly and dutiful as they are. They prefer structured work which produces visible results quickly to abstract, long-drawn-out processes. Determined Realists have no problem with routine as long as it serves efficiency. However, they very much dislike unexpected and unpredictable occurrences which mess up their careful plans. Once they have committed themselves to a cause they do this with dedication and are willing to make considerable sacrifices for it.
Determined Realists do not avoid conflicts and criticism but face up to them and look for solutions. As they have a keen eye for the errors and shortcomings of others and are often quick at expressing criticism, they sometimes rub people up the wrong way especially when they lose their temper and jump to conclusions. Due to their marked sense of justice they are quickly willing to correct themselves and never take offense if someone speaks to them frankly. You do not have to seek hidden motives with them; you always know where you are. Determined Realists are often found in executive positions as they combine commitment, competence and the ability to assert themselves. In their spare time, they often also accept responsibility in clubs and other institutions.
 I just take this quizzes, and yes it explains me best xp .. I think it just gets along with my OCD symptoms!MySpace


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